As part of the implementation of National Standards, schools are required to report to parents in writing and using plain language at least twice a year. At least one of the written Reports should include:
- The student’s current learning goals
- The student’s achievement and progress in relation to the National Standards
- What the School will do to support the student’s learning
- What parents, family and whanau can do to support their child’s learning
Year 7
Year 7 students are assessed early in the year so that teaching and learning can be at appropriate levels. With students joining RI from over 40 primary schools, we need to ensure consistency in our assessments and Overall Teacher Judgement.
Reporting to parents takes the form of:
- Parent Interviews - beginning of Term 2 to discuss achievement, progress, effort and attitude, as well as personal and social development.
- Reports - end of Term 2 and a final report at the end of the year.
Year 8
Year 8 teachers have valuable information passed onto them by Year 7 teachers. At the beginning of the school year they use assessments to confirm and review this information.
Reporting to parents takes the form of:
- Parent Interviews - beginning of Term 2 to discuss where students ‘are at’, what the next steps should be and the general well-being of the student.
- Reports - end of Term 2 and a further report at the end of the year.